
主演:戸次重幸 八木亜希子 柄本時生 廣田あいか 金子大地 

导演:Yuki Saito 井川尊史 编剧:田口佳宏



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Hiru no Sentozake 720p HDTV x264 AAC-DoA[xiepp.cc]



Plot Summary:42-year-old Utsumi Takayuki works for Second Division of Hinode Advertising's Planning and Sales Department. He was transferred from the General Affairs Department one year ago, but he keeps delivering the worst sales performance. Utsumi is not eloquent, poor at dealing with things and is a pushover too. He always gets reprimanded by his boss Dozono Shoko. His only pleasure is skipping work, going to the public bath in the day on a weekday and gulping a beer down his dry throat after that. Utsumi cannot resist the temptation when he sees a public bath during working hours despite his sense of guilt. On this day too, he calls his company with the excuse that he has urgent business and walks through the door of a public bath in high spirits. When he pays the fee, takes off his suit and enters the bath, the best moment awaits him.
改编自《孤独的美食家》作者久住昌之的同名随笔画集。   内海孝之(户次重幸饰)42岁。   他在日出广告企画营业部2课工作。一年前他从内勤业务部调动到企画营业部,然而他口吃笨拙,不会办事,没有魄力。   苦于这样的性格,他的贩卖业绩一直处于最后一名。也一直被课长堂园翔子(八木亚希子饰)叱责。   内海唯一的乐趣,就是翘班从白天开始泡汤,泡到干渴,大口喝啤酒。   对于翘班意识他心存愧疚,然而只要看到澡堂,他就无法抵御澡堂的诱惑。   今天,他也以“有急事”为借口给公司打了电话,意气风发地走进了澡堂。   付了澡费,脱掉衬衫,进入澡堂,最舒服的瞬间就在前方。
