"Biography" Confucius: Words of Wisdom (1996)(1996)




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Plot Summary:In an age of intrigue and vice, he was a voice of morality and virtue. 2,500 years after his death, he is revered as one of the great teachers in history. Confucius's name is synonymous with ageless wisdom. His teachings are credited with helping spur East Asia's current "economic miracle." Travel to China's troubled feudal era to learn Confucius's dramatic story, from his childhood in poverty and his long road to enlightenment to his years as a celebrated teacher. Leading scholars reveal why his message of "five virtues" was not always accepted by the leaders of the day. And interviews with a direct descendant provide a personal glimpse into Confucius's legend. Explore the life and legacy of Confucius the ancient sage whose timeless message remains influential to this day.
