
又名:美丘 / Mioka

主演:吉高由里子 林遣都 真矢美纪 胜地凉 水泽绘玲奈 夕辉寿太  

导演:猪股隆一 山下学美 佐久间纪佳 编剧:梅田美香/石田衣良



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [SUBPIG][Mioka 全集]
2019-05-11 [TVBT]Mioka_EP_ALL_ChineseSubbed


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Mioka 720p


Plot Summary:One day, Taichi, an ordinary university student meets Mioka, a girl who is like a storm. Taichi finds himself drawn to Mioka, who lives freely as she wishes without holding back, and they eventually fall in love. However, Mioka tells Taichi of her shocking truth. She has an incurable brain disease, with no medicine or treatment that can help her. The progressing disease. The loss of control over her own body. Theprecious memories slowly fading away. The fear of losing herself. The limited time she has left. Even with such a cruel fate, Mioka lives her life to the fullest extent till the end. Taichi, wholeheartedly loving her, decides to become the witness of her very existence in this world.
平凡无奇且对未来毫无规划的大三学生太一(林遣都 饰),这一日邂逅了疑似跳楼自杀的女孩美丘(吉高由里子 饰)。美丘性格爽朗泼辣,率直不羁,在学校里可谓恶名昭著。但是短短的接触后,太一却对她产生了无限的好奇,以及不可抑制的好感。他们越走越近,谁知命运早已设下了难以逾越的鸿沟,充满恶意地考验着两个被牵引着的男女。如小魔女般活泼的美丘,被诊断患上了无法治愈的绝症。他们痛苦、悲伤、绝望,可是不是由谁说过吗?生命不在于长短,而要死而无憾,尤其到遇到命中注定的那个人时,一定要紧紧抓住,绝不松手……   本片根据石田衣良的原作《美丘》改编。
