
又名:柳川运河的故事 / The Story of Yanagawa's Canals / The Story of Yanagawa Waterways



导演:高畑勋 编剧:高畑勋 Isao Takahata



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 The Story of Yanagawa's Canals (h264, AC3, Du



Plot Summary:An (almost) live action documentary movie, this independent movie was produced by Nibariki (Miyazaki's personal office), with the royalty revenue from Nausicaä. At first, it was supposed to be an animated film which took place in the town of Yanagawa. After the success of Nausicaä, Tokuma wanted to produce another animated movie (of course, they wanted a Nausicaä sequel), and Miyazaki was looking for a good project. Miyazaki visited Yanagawa, and was impressed by the beautiful town with its canals, and came up with an idea for a film about high school boys and girls in Yanagawa, and thought that Takahata, who worked as a producer for Nausicaä, should direct such a film. However, when Takahata visited Yanagawa for research, he came to be more interested in the history of the town, especially how local people fought to preserve the canals which have been a part of the community for a long time, and how they put a great deal of effort to clean up the once polluted canals. As a result, it became a live action documentary, and Miyazaki decided to spend his own money on it. It took three years for Takahata to complete this film.
这部作品不是动画片,而是高畑勲和宫崎骏合作为环保问题而拍摄的纪录片,曾获得每日映画文化纪录电影奖。福冈县柳川市是日本有名的观光场所,有无数小河在城市中穿流而过。但近年来随着环境污染的加剧,很多小河都变成了死水,柳川的美丽风光正在渐渐逝去。为挽救这座观光城市,柳川市政府制定了疏通河道,限制排污和增加污水净化设施,以及强化管理体制、鼓励市民参加清扫活动的3点对策。   为配合这一计划的实施,提高人们对于公害问题的认识,高畑勲和宫崎骏合作制作了这部纪录片,以柳川优美的风光配以动听的音乐,向人们讲述了这座水城的历史,呼吁大家来维护风景名胜。本片虽然是纪录片,但仍然延续了高畑勲作品温馨舒缓的一贯特色,值得一看。
