龙珠剧场版:神龙传说ドラゴンボール 神龍の伝説(1986)

又名:Dragon Ball: The Legend of Shenron / Dragon Ball Movie 1


主演:野泽雅子 鹤广美 

导演:西尾大介 编剧:鸟山明 Akira Toriyama



日期 资源名称
2022-08-12 dragon ball movie one curse of the blood rubies 19
2019-05-12 Dragon Ball Curse of the Blood Rubies 1080p Movie
2019-05-11 Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies (1986) 1080
日期 资源名称
2022-08-13 dragon ball movie one curse of the blood rubies 19
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Dragonball Movie 01 : Curse of the Blood Rubies
2019-05-11 Dragon Ball Curse Of The Blood Rubies 1986 iNTERNA
2019-05-11 Dragon Ball Curse Of The Blood Rubies 1986 iNTERNA
2019-05-11 Dragon.Ball.Curse.Of.The.Blood.Rubies.1986.iNTERNA


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 龙珠TV剧场版 神龙传说 BDrip BOX
2019-09-02 龙珠TV剧场版 神龙传说 BDrip BOX


Plot Summary:The once benevolent King Gurumes has become greedy after discovering a large supply of blood rubies under his kingdom. His greed causes him to tear up his subjects' crops and homes in search of more, resulting in him being cursed and transformed into a monster. He now scours the earth looking for the seven dragon balls, which, once brought together, summon a mighty dragon that grants one wish - a wish which might ease his unending hunger. The king's henchmen find that it is not so easy to steal the dragon ball from Goku, who, once he discovers the plight of the kingdom, decides to free the land from the king's oppression.
很久很久以前,曾流传着这样一个传说:神创造了七颗龙珠,散落在世界的各个角落。据说只要集齐这些龙珠并念出咒语,便可召唤出神龙,而神龙将帮助你实现一个愿望。   时尚女孩布尔玛独自来到深山寻找龙珠,偶遇居住在这里的少年小悟空。小悟空个子虽小,却拥有一身的本领。经过一波三折,他们最终一同踏上寻找龙珠的旅程。另一方面,在遥远的地方有一个咕噜曼斯王国,当地盛产极为珍贵的红宝石。受利益驱动,国王的军队将当地百姓赶出家园,大肆破坏田地。而穷奢极欲的国王吃尽天下的美食,如今却想尝尝神龙肉的味道。一场围绕龙珠展开的奇幻大冒险就此拉开序幕……   本片为《七龙珠》的第一部剧场版动画。
