色情旅行 香港慕情(1973)

又名:Sikijo ryoko: Hong Kong bojo/Erotic.Journey.Love.Affair.in.Hong.Kong


主演:小川節子 片桐夕子 宮下順子 井上博一 

导演:小沼胜 编剧:中島丈博

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色情旅行 香港慕情:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Akiko is a housewife who is bored with her relationship. She lives an adulterous passion with a colleague of her husband, decides to follow him to Hong Kong where he has just been transferred. Akiko's husband goes out looking for them, without success. Desperate, he lets himself be dragged into the underworld of the city by a mysterious Sino-Japanese mongrel who plunges him into drugs, pimping. Until the day he finally learns the terrible truth about his unfaithful wife.
供职于东洋贸易的浅利住夫(井上博一 饰)与妻子章子(宮下順子 饰)的婚姻出现裂痕。章子经受不住欲望的折磨,与丈夫的同事诸桥郁也(清水国雄 饰)发生不伦之恋,日后更借诸桥公干之机与之私奔香港。从章子的妹妹匠子(小川節子 饰)口中得知详情,住夫不顾一切启程前往香港。在这个人生地不熟的异国他乡,住夫毫无头绪,还受到匪徒的袭击,多亏中日混血儿矢吹豪(やかた和彦 饰)相助方得脱险。 某日,矢吹声称找到章子,结果却是一个和章子一模一样的妓女。思妻情切,住夫陷入这个名叫春玲(宮下順子 饰)的女人的温柔乡中无法自拔,继而跌入万劫不复的漩涡之中……©豆瓣
