无意义的忏悔ずべ公番長 ざんげの値打もない(1971)

又名:Delinquent Girl Boss: Worthless To Confess


主演:大信田礼子 賀川雪絵 橘ますみ 




日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Delinquent Girl Boss Worthless to Confess 1971 DVD
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Pinky Violence Delinquent Girl Boss-Worthless To C



Plot Summary:Reiko Oshida stars as a young wannabe gangster tough girl, just released from reform school. She tracks down one of her classmates fathers, who runs an auto repair shop that the local Yakuza are trying to force out of business and take over, and starts working for him. At the same time a recently released from prison, and now ill Yakuza is trying to make a new life for himself and his girl, a friend of Reiko's, who also just graduated from reform school. A fateful car crash brings the two on a collision course with each other and the brutal Yakuza clan, which can only end bloody vengeance.
从赤城少管所释出的少女莉香(大信田礼子 饰),返回新宿拜会了仅有一面之缘的修车行老板村木铁五郎(伴淳三郎 饰),也是其狱友阿莫(片山由美子 饰)的父亲。阿莫结交不良学生浜田,欠下黑帮大矢组巨额债务。大矢组谋划借机将村木的修车行据为己有。   暂居车行的莉香邂逅另外几名狱友,得知其中玛丽(贺川雪绘 饰)生活最为艰辛,其男友荒井圭一(中谷一郎 饰)多年前为大矢组行刺敌对首领而入狱,出狱后被组织抛弃,饱受疾病困苦折磨。大矢组绑架莉香和阿莫,为村木解救,怀恨在心的大矢组首领找到圭一,要求他为阻止刺杀曾经名震江湖的村木……
