陌生人的旅馆Vrazda ing. Certa(1970)

又名:Killing the Devil


主演:Jirina Bohdalová Vladimír Mens 

导演:Ester Krumbachová 





Plot Summary:She (Jirina Bohdalová) is approximately forty-years old, intelligent and attractive, but, unfortunately, lonesome as one could be. She handles her life quite well, but whenever nostalgia falls upon her, she begins to long for a man. Thus she is happy when an engineer named Bohous Cert [Devil] (Vladimír Mensík), a friend from her youth, whom she still recalls being as slim as a maiden, rings her up and talks to her in a coaxing voice. She invites him to dinner, which she prepares with the greatest care, and also pays a lot of attention to her looks. But, after all those years, Engineer Cert when he arrives is far from slim, and is even rather dilapidated. He gulps his food with constant smacking and slurping, and eats everything out of the fridge. His behavior is rude, even arrogant - but, see, this is a Man and She gladly forgives him everything.
AUESS:      轻喜剧风格,讲一对中年男女之间的爱情追逐,其中又与不少的捷克美食扯上关系,角色不多,场景设置也比较超现实的感觉,有点类似七八十年代前苏联梁赞诺夫式喜剧的东欧版,有意思的东东。
