天堂禁果Ovoce stromů rajských jíme(1970)

又名:We Eat the Fruit of the Trees of Paradise / Fruit of Paradise


主演:Jitka Nováková Karel Novak Jan 

导演:维拉·希蒂洛娃 编剧:维拉·希蒂洛娃 Věra Chytilová/埃斯特尔·克伦巴赫乔娃 Ester Krumbachová



日期 资源名称
2023-11-20 owoce rajskich drzew spożywamy - ovoce stromů rajs
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 The Fruit Of Paradise_Ovoce Stromu Rajskych Jime -



Plot Summary:In the garden of a pension, Eva and her husband Josef are enjoying a siesta. Here, they meet with the lonesome, mysterious-looking Robert. During play, a key falls out of Robert's pocket. The curious Eva picks it up and sets off on an expedition. In Robert's room, she finds a briefcase soiled with mud, which Robert had forgotten by her parsley patch before, and in it, a date-stamp. Soon afterwards, she learns that another victim of an unknown murderer of women has been found, with a number and date stamped on her forehead. Eva concludes that the murderer must be Robert.
影片以极度浪漫和梦幻的原罪故事作引。   约瑟夫(Karel Novak 饰)和夏娃(Jitka Novákova 饰)幸福地生活在田园郊外,他们的和谐被一个外来者打破。红衣男子罗伯特(Jan Schmid 饰)逡巡在两人四周,窥视夏娃的一举一动。夏娃则将罗伯特拒之千里。   邮差送给约瑟夫的信让夏娃产生不安,心中滋生嫉妒。她开始观察罗伯特,窥视其和各种各样的女人调情,心为所动,试图勾引,却又被罗伯特所拒绝。在罗伯特和一群男女纵情享乐的时候,夏娃偷偷潜入罗伯特的房子,翻出红色公文包,用里面的红戳子在自己腿上印上数字“6”。   沙滩上的男女从报纸上得知,有一个凶手将女人杀害,然后在她额头上印上红色的数字“6”……
