糊涂侦探 第五季Get Smart(1969)

又名:神探斯玛特 第五季

主演:唐·亚当斯 芭芭拉·费尔顿 爱德华·普拉特 Al Molin 

导演:唐·亚当斯 积·沙列治 Charles R. Rondeau 艾伦·拉夫金 理查德·贝内迪克特 哈里·福尔克 Ron Joy 雷扎·巴蒂伊 安东尼·利德 Dick Carson Nicholas Webster 编剧:Chris Hayward/Arne Sultan/Lloyd Turner/Gordon Mitchell/Les Colodny/Ed Haas/Bob DeVinney/Dale McRaven/Gloria Burton/Pat McCormick

糊涂侦探 第五季:在线播放

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糊涂侦探 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:When 99 tells Max she is expecting, Max is so excited he tells a reporter he is a spy. Now useless to CONTROL he has his face changed and goes undercover as a pianist to a CONTROL agent that can sing the right note to shatter a glass prison cell.
