Plot Summary:At the outset of the War, Alexei,an airman, marries Sasha Lvova, a young factory worker. One day, Alexei does not return from his mission and he is thought to be dead. Some time after the end of hostilities though, he reappears : taken prisoner, he has managed to survive. But everybody besides Sasha rejects him;to make matters worse, he is expelled from the party. Alexei sinks into despair and alcoholism. Fortunately, Stalin dies and his lot improves at last.
年轻的女孩萨沙(妮娜·卓别舍瓦 Nina Drobysheva 饰)邂逅了英俊潇洒的空军飞行员阿列克赛(叶甫盖尼·乌尔班斯基 Evgeniy Urbanskiy 饰),在阿列克赛短暂停留的几天里,两人之间的感情迅速升温。之后,阿列克赛重新返回前线,此时萨沙的腹中已经怀上了他的骨肉。 没过多久,孩子降生了,但同时传来的,还有阿列克赛不幸战死的噩耗。在绝望和悲痛之中,萨沙咬紧牙关,发誓一定要将两人爱情的结晶抚养长大。战争结束后,萨沙的姐姐和弟弟回到了家中,这是,萨沙得到了一个惊人的消息,那就是阿列克赛并没有死,而是被敌人俘虏了。这段被捕的经历让阿列克赛失去了政府对他的信任,他一下子从一个英雄沦落成为了人人喊打的叛徒。