碧港艳遇It Started in Naples(1960)

又名:那不勒斯之恋 / 香城春恋


主演:克拉克·盖博 索菲娅·罗兰 维托里奥·德西卡 马里耶托 

导演:梅尔韦尔·沙维尔森 编剧:Suso Cecchi d'Amico



日期 资源名称
2019-10-27 It.Started.in.Naples.1960.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG
2019-05-11 It Started in Naples 1960 1080p WEBRip 2.0 x264-FG
日期 资源名称
2019-10-27 It.Started.in.Naples.1960.WEBRip.x264-ION10
2019-05-11 It.Started.in.Naples.1960.WEBRip.x264-RARBG
2019-05-11 It Started In Naples 1960 DVDRip x264-NoRBiT
2019-05-11 It Started In Naples 1960 DVDRip x264-NoRBiT



Plot Summary:Mike Hamilton, a Philadelphia lawyer, comes to Naples to settle the estate of his long estranged "black sheep" brother. Once there, he discovers that the deceased has left an eight-year old little boy named Nando, who is being raised by Michael's sister-in-law Lucia Curcio. Mike immediately disapproves of Nando's Italian-style (in other words "lax") education. To make matters worse, Lucia happens to be ... a sexy nightclub dancer. This is too much for a puritan like Mike and the only solution in his eyes is to have the boy brought up in the States...
汉密尔顿(克拉克·盖博 Clark Gable 饰)是一名律师,每天重复着机械而又古板的生活,个性亦是一丝不苟井井有条。某一日,弟弟的死讯打破了汉密尔顿平静的日子,为了处理弟弟的后事,汉密尔顿前往意大利,并震惊的得知,弟弟竟然留下了年仅十岁的儿子南度(Marietto 饰)。   南度自小缺乏管教,个性顽劣而又跋扈,而此时负责照料南度的,是一位名叫露西亚(索菲娅·罗兰 Sophia Loren 饰)的夜总会歌女。露西亚美艳不可方物,性格火辣奔放不拘小节,汉密尔顿担心南度跟着她会雪上加霜,于是执意要将南度带回美国抚养。汉密尔顿的决定遭到了露西亚的强烈反对,两人之间就争夺南度的抚养权而展开了激烈的交战。
