
又名:I Am Waiting


主演:石原裕次郎 北原三枝 二谷英明 波多野憲 

导演:蔵原惟繕 编剧:石原慎太郎



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Ore wa matteru ze aka I'm Waiting
2019-05-12 Ore wa matteru ze AKA I Am Waiting (1957)



Plot Summary:Jôji is a boxer barred from the ring; Saeko is a singer whose voice is gone. Lost souls, they meet one night by a quay; she may be thinking of suicide. He invites her to his café, and perhaps he will rescue her from the cabaret where she's under contract to a vicious mob leader. When the boss insists on her return, Jôji is bitter. He also despairs over lost dreams. His brother has gone to Brazil to purchase a farm; Jôji planned to join him but now believes his brother abandoned him. When Jôji discovers a clue about his brother, he needs Saeko's help. Like a fighter in the ring, he pursues the truth relentlessly, without regard for his own safety. Will it cost his life?
前拳击手岛木让次(石原裕次郎 饰)经历了人生的大起大落,如今在某港口经营一家名为“礁石”的饭店。他每天等待遥远巴西的来信,那里有他的哥哥,让次时刻准备启程奔往那个自由的国度。只是,无数次的闻讯信件最终换来的都是“查无此人”的回复。某晚,让次邂逅一名形色慌张的女子,她自称叫早枝子(北原三枝 饰),是某夜总会的歌手,因失守伤害了对她欲行不轨的男人而四处躲藏,几欲轻生。让次收留了早枝子,短短几天的相处让他们彼此呼声好感。然而阴云突至,早枝子最终被控制她的黑帮所带走。与此同时,让次也从这群黑帮处得到哥哥的蛛丝马迹。   为了找到哥哥的下落,让次卷入了一个巨大的黑色漩涡之中……
