三人有三個夢想Swapner Din(2004)


主演:普罗森吉特· 查特吉 舒邦特拉·森 拉杰什·沙玛 拉伊玛·森 

导演:布哈达布·达斯古塔 编剧:布哈达布·达斯古塔 Buddhadev Dasgupta



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Bengali Movie - Swapner Din (2004)



Plot Summary:The film follows Paresh, a government projectionist who travels through remote areas of rural India with his driver Chapal. The two men show educational films to disinterested villagers, while Paresh idolizes the image of a beautiful woman who appears in a surviving fragment of film. On the road, they encounter the pregnant Amina, who is attempting to reach an unspecified border to start a new life with her child. The trio forges an unlikely traveling alliance, just as they are also met with a series of setbacks: their 16mm projector is stolen, and Amina does not possess the documents which will allow her safe passage.
彭拉拿著16米厘放映機在孟加拉穿山過市,放映「點解要大家笠套」、「男人結紮多面睇」等性教育宣傳片,雖然經常被村民破口大罵,但他卻為了尋覓一個在電影中出現過的美人而繼續旅程。與他坐著Jeep仔一起上路的是司機查保,他投訴多多,只因他即將到地中海打工,人生新一頁馬上揭開。途中,他們遇上了腹大便便的亞美娜,原來她的丈夫在動亂中喪生,已沒有任何文件證明自己的存在,為給孩子一個身份,她毅然徒步走往邊境,彭拉和查保遂決定送亞美娜一程。可惜一天,放映機不見了……   三段不一樣的人生路,在印度當代大師柏特達德古托的雋永影像、流麗敘事之下,道盡印度追夢者的希望與失落。   2005年鹿特丹國際電影節「世界電影」單元
