
又名:Junjô kirari / A Symphony of Us

主演:宫崎葵 寺岛忍 西岛秀俊 井川遥 福士诚治 户田惠子 美山加 

导演:小松隆 田中健二 编剧:浅野妙子 Taeko Asano




Plot Summary:The 74th NHK Asadora Drama is Junjo Kirari, which means something along the lines of "pure-hearted Kirari." The story is set in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture in the era around the Second World War. When the story opens in 1928, the heroine, Sakurako, is a very active seven-year-old girl. Indeed, even in the first episode she exhibits her confidence and enthusiasm. But above all else, Sakurako is interested in becoming a jazz pianist, and music features extensively in the plot.
故事发生在日本的昭和时代,有森樱子(宫崎葵 饰)出生在一个普通的家庭之中。樱子自幼失去了母亲,由身为地质学家的父亲源一郎(三浦友和 饰)一手拉扯长大。樱子上面有两个姐姐笛子(北乃纪伊 饰)和杏子(尾崎千瑛 饰),两个女孩因为这个家庭早早失去了母亲而过早的肩负起了重任,因此性格有些强势,在强硬的姐姐们面前,性子软弱的樱子难免显得有些唯唯诺诺摇摆不定。   实际上,樱子的心里一直埋藏着一个音乐梦想,她想成为一名钢琴家,可是,彼时的日本刚刚遭受战争的蹂躏,一片破败颓靡的景象,在残酷的现实面前,樱子不得不选择退让。
