同一个世界:共同在家At home in the world(2015)




导演:Andreas Koefoed 编剧:Andreas Koefoed





Plot Summary:How does it feel to have to find a new home in the world, when you have fled everything you once knew? How is the life of the thousands of refugee children in Denmark? And what does it take for them to become part of Danish society? These are the questions, which Andreas Koefoed explores in his new documentary AT HOME IN THE WORLD. A small Danish town (Lynge) houses a Red Cross asylum school, where refugee children from conflicted areas all over the world are united. The children attend school while waiting for answers: Will they be granted residency in Denmark, or will they be sent back to where they came from? Some of the children have arrived with their parents, while others came alone. The vast majority of them have been on the run for years, living in several countries. What most of them have in common is the experience of war and violence up close. All of them have lost a place, where they felt safe around family and friends. All of them have lost their homes. AT HOME IN THE ...
