
又名:初饭 / Shimeshi

主演:村上淳 林遣都 愛加あゆ 光石研 深水元基 邓肯 田畑智子  

导演:小川弾 编剧:金沢知樹





Plot Summary:Shimeshi is about a unique restaurant that accepts only one customer a day. It is called "Le Bon Vivre", tucked away in some back alley of the bustling city, that serves "lost food." Not anyone can easily get a reservation. That person has to have circumstances or are struggling on which path to take, and are currently at the crossroad of his life. Not only that, he must request for a dish that's lost in this world, a dish that has a significance in his life and now only exists in his memory. The staff of "Le Bon Vivre" consists of Terayashiki Renichi (Murakami Jun), the chef who has a discerning skill in reproducing dishes that are lost in this world; Oze Kiyoi (Hayashi Kento), the second chef who is responsible for researching recipes and information regarding the requested dishes; and Ikeyama Juri (Manaka Ayu), the owner and maître d'hÃ'tel of "Le Bon Vivre". The three will do their best to recreate this lost dish, and serve it to their guests.
在繁华都市的不起眼角落,经营着一家名为“Le Bon Vivre(美好人生)”的西餐厅。餐厅清净典雅,别具一格。店长池山树理(愛加あゆ 饰)谦恭可亲,每天以最饱满的状态迎接客人的到来。不过这家餐厅到底有些与众不同,他们每天只接待一组客人,并且为客人奉上的都是据说在世间已难得一见的“失落的料理”。担任主厨的寺屋敷錬一(村上淳 饰)少言寡语,他具有丰富的料理知识和经验以及超凡的烹饪天赋与创造力,可以完美再现客人所提出的各种料理要求。而小濑清(林遣都 饰)则是餐厅最值得信赖的料理信息调查员,通过他的整理和搜集,掩埋在历史尘埃中的失落料理得以再现人间。   多说无用,不用您亲自来这里品尝一番吧!
