
又名:My Love Story / Ore Monogatari

主演:江口拓也 岛崎信长 潘惠美 井上喜久子 茅野爱衣 福山润  

导演:浅香守生 渡边琴乃 长滨亘彦 细川秀树 渊上真 岛崎奈奈子 水本叶月 羽原久美子 田中智也 编剧:河原和音 Kazune Kawahara/高桥奈都子 Natsuko Takahashi




Plot Summary:Takeo is a giant brutish-looking fellow with a sweet and kind demeanor. However, most girls aren't interested in him but in his best friend Makoto, who is handsome and charming. Takeo doesn't really mind this and accepts it as a matter of course... till one day when he meets Rinko Yamato, a girl who is immediately drawn to Takeo and wants to be with him. This sets off a chain reaction in which other girls try to get with Takeo too. Can Takeo and Rinko manage to stay together?
冈田猛男(江口拓也 配音)是集英高中一年级的学生,隶属于柔道部,他生得人高马大五大三粗,却因为善良率真的个性而深得同伴们的喜爱和信赖。砂川诚(岛崎信长 配音)是猛男青梅竹马的好友,外表英俊帅气的他很受女孩子的欢迎,从小到大,凡是猛男喜欢上的女孩,最后总会被阿诚吸引,久而久之,猛男竟然也习以为常。   一次偶然中,猛男将一位名叫大和凛子(潘惠美 配音)的可爱女孩从电车痴汉手中救下,温柔可爱的凛子一下子击中了猛男的死穴,但猛男认为凛子喜欢的应该是阿诚那样的类型。让猛男没有想到的是,凛子喜欢的竟然正是强壮的猛男,阿诚得知了凛子的心意后开始积极地在两人之间牵线搭桥起来。
