TAKE FIVE:我们能盗取爱吗TAKE FIVE〜俺たちは愛を盗めるか〜(2013)

主演:唐泽寿明 松雪泰子 松坂桃李 六角精儿 入江甚仪 千叶雄大  

导演:岡本伸吾 渡瀬暁彦 川嶋龍太郎 编剧:樱井武晴 Takahiro Sakurai/藤井清美/丑尾健太郎

TAKE FIVE:我们能盗取爱吗:在线播放

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TAKE FIVE:我们能盗取爱吗:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:20 years ago, Seigi was a member of a heist group named "TAKE FIVE". His father was also in the group. Now, Seigi lives an ordinary and honest life, working as a college psychology professor. One day, he receives a picture of a Leonardo da Vinci painting from a mysterious homeless woman. The women tells Seigi that the painting is stored in the security warehouse of Toto Bank. She seems aware of Seigi's past as a thief. Seigi curious whether the painting is really stored at Toto Bank, gathers 5 colleagues and reforms "TAKE FIVE". The group decides to work under the policy that they will only steal highly valuable items from evil people.
曾几何时,绰号为“TAKE FIVE”的五人盗贼团伙纵横江湖。他们秉承“以盗救人”的宗旨,将从坏人那里偷来钱财的返回受害者,行侠仗义,备受民众爱戴。然而在某次行动中一名警察遇害,由此终结了TAKE FIVE的命运。数年过后,达·芬奇的名作《卢克雷奇娅肖像》将TAKE FIVE当年的伙伴帆村正义(唐泽寿明 饰)、火冈均(入江甚仪 饰)、南真一(六角精儿 饰)集结在一起,加上某银行安保设计师出身的新生代盗贼新美晴登(松坂桃李 饰),以及性格极度认真深不可测的警官岩月櫂(稻垣吾郎 饰),全新的Take Five再度结成。对当年事件耿耿于怀的帆村,命运般邂逅嫉恶如仇的女警(松雪泰子 饰),宿命因缘将黑白双方紧紧缠绕在一起。   此番再度启程,帆村将经历怎样的挑战?
