
又名:星男此星之恋 / 恋爱星球人 / Starman: kono hoshi no koi / Starman - A Love Story

主演:广末凉子 福士苍汰 小池荣子 有村架纯 石井正则 山田裕贵  

导演:堤幸彦 铃木浩介 白石达也 编剧:冈田惠和 Yoshikazu Okada



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [ENFD-5401]星名美津紀 純情恋愛



Plot Summary:Hirosue Ryoko plays the role of Uno Sawako, a plucky single mother of 3 boys. Due to her personality, fearing that she will be the ruin of him, Sawako's husband takes off and abandons her and their 3 boys. Sawako is left to bring up their 3 sons by herself, with the help of her grandmother. Living an average normal life, one day, Hoshio, a man who is suffering from amnesia, suddenly appears before her. Even though he is much younger than her, Sawako falls in love with Hoshio at first sight. A dormant heart that now has love awakened, Sawako decides to keep Hoshio by her side by telling him, "You are my husband" - Will Sawako be able to struggle through balancing the reality of being a mother of 3 boys with her immature tendre for Hoshio?
一座位于富士山脚下的小城镇,生活着率真开朗的单身妈妈宇野佐和子(广末凉子 饰),早年她与来自大都会的男人相恋,并育有三个可爱的儿子:大(大西流星 饰)、秀(黑田博之 饰)和俊(五十岚阳向 饰)。在儿子们、祖母美代(吉行和子 饰)以及闺蜜小节(小池荣子 饰)的陪伴下,佐和子度过充实而平凡的每一天。某晚,一道强光掠过天空。次日,佐和子遇见了一名彷徨失忆的男子(福士蒼汰 饰)。她突发奇想,对男人谎称彼此是夫妇关系,留他在家中生活。谁知男子体内蕴藏的神奇力量令所有人大为惊奇,尾随男人而至的黑衣女子(木南晴夏 饰)使得他的真实身份愈加扑朔迷离。   莫非他真的是来自太空的神秘来客,只为改变佐和子那渐入僵局的人生……
