悬疑对决Serving Up Richard(2012)

又名:端上理查德 / The Guest Room


主演:罗斯·麦克科尔 Susan Priver 祖德·塞克利拉Ju 

导演:Henry Olek 编剧:Henry Olek



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 The Guest Room 2011 DVDRiP XViD AC3-sC0rp
2019-05-11 The Guest Room 2011 DVDRiP XViD AC3-sC0rp



Plot Summary:Everett and Glory Hutchins live in a typical middle class neighborhood. Maybe your neighborhood. The Hutchins have a "guestroom" in their home. It's not exactly a business. It's a hobby. Or.....would you say religion? You see, Everett and Glory are practicing cannibals. It's a proclivity that you can't readily share with friend or neighbor. When Richard Ruebens answers Everett's classified add to buy a classic car, he becomes their latest potential meal. But......Richard has no intention of being a lamb led to slaughter.
Everett和Glory夫妻两竟然是恐怖的食人族,不过如今城市社区的生活,给他们的生活方式带来了很大的挑战。   理查德是一个刚刚被调到洛杉矶办事处的华尔街的中级投资专家。在洛杉矶每个人都需要一辆汽车。于是理查德回应了一个卖二手野马车的广告。接着他就不知不觉地被食人族夫妻带到了他们的秘密房间。   理查德即将成为他们下一顿的美餐了,他会是一个任人宰割的沉默羔羊么?
