变形金刚:领袖之证 第二季Transformers Prime(2012)

主演:彼特·库伦 弗兰克·维尔克 乔什·基顿 塔妮亚·古纳迪 安迪 

导演:David Hartman   Todd Waterman   Vinton Heuck   Shaunt Nigoghossian 

变形金刚:领袖之证 第二季:在线播放

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变形金刚:领袖之证 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Transformers Prime deepens the epic mythology of both the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS, while starting fresh for a new generation of viewers and future fans. OPTIMUS PRIME, BUMBLEBEE, ARCEE, RATCHET, BULKHEAD, and many others are back to "roll out" against MEGATRON's latest attempt to conquer Earth. And MEGATRON proves to be more powerful than ever, having acquired a rare element that allows him mastery over life itself. 'Team Prime' may be few against the DECEPTICON hordes, but they find increased strength via bonds forged with three human teenagers. Make no mistake, TRANSFORMERS PRIME WILL deliver heavy metal action, and nail-biting suspense -- but it also promises to take the human drama to levels as yet unseen by the franchise.
故事讲述两派来到地球后,因为发生了一些“事件”,导致双方外形大变(也解释了两系列风格不同的原因)。也由于这些“事件”,变形金刚要隐藏于人类社会之中。如何去平衡一切关系是擎天柱作为领袖将要面临的考验,本作品的标题也由此而来。   值得一提的是,本次两派领袖 擎天柱 和 威震天 的配音者是久违的梦幻组合:来自初代动画的 Peter Cullen jijidy.com 和 Frank Welker!他们在阔别电视版的变形金刚作品多年后,再次一起回来共演这双经典的死对头!
