闪点行动 第四季Flashpoint(2011)

主演:休·狄伦 恩里克·克兰东尼 Amy Jo Johnson 

导演:Kelly Makin 编剧:Stephanie Morgenstern

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闪点行动 第四季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In the aftermath of the Season 3 Cliffhanger, at SRU Headquarters, Greg receives a devastating phone call that a member of Team One has been shot: It's Ed. Dr. Toth refuses to let Greg go because he doesn't believe Greg is fit for Duty. After closing the case, Dr. Toth clears Team One for Duty, but he tells Greg that he needs to be more of a leader and not a friend. Meanwhile, Ed risks his recovery to be with his wife, who is having problems delivering their baby.
CBS警匪题材剧《Flashpoint》故事的主角是一只隶属加拿大首都多伦多警察的特种部队,这只部队的名字叫做战略反应小队(Strategic Response Unit),简称SRU。SRU的角色原型来自于多伦多的一只真的紧急任务反应小队(Emergency Task Force)。   SRU的成员都不是一般的警察,他们有能力做一些普通警察所不能做的事情,包括:“拯救人质,打击黑帮,拆除炸弹,操作尖端武器,”他们将永远冒着生命危险去拯救别人的生命。他们往往会采用任何手段在非常短的时间内解决问题拯救生命。
