


主演:李铭顺 郭妃丽 林咏谊 陈杰乐 

导演:唐永健 编剧:唐永健 Kelvin Tong




Plot Summary:A man or woman who loses his wife is called a widower or widow. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. What do you call a parent who loses his child?" Ah Huat, a struggling and obnoxious 40-year-old taxi-driver, is a complete failure. His wife left him years ago. And his only son - Wei Siang - is frequently neglected. One day, Wei Siang is abducted at a shopping mall, in a case of mistaken identity. The kidnapper, Ah Hu, tortures the boy and demands a $1,000,000 ransom. Ah Huat gives up everything in his life to raise the money, but Ah Hu reneges on the exchange and demands more money. Unable to raise the second ransom, Lim descends into madness and grief, and takes the most extreme retaliatory measure: He kidnaps Ah Hu's child.
出租车司机林盛发(李铭顺 饰)的人生一团糟,先是丢掉工作,然后夫妻失和,失落的他独自抚养儿子伟祥(陈杰乐 饰)长大。虽然生活贫苦,好在父子的感情倒也笃深。然而祸不单行,林的前妻找来律师,要求他交出儿子的抚养权。另一方面,伟祥在生日当天没能等到父亲,只得和好友孙耀龙去电玩城玩耍。耀龙的父亲是一个百万富翁,阴差阳错下伟祥被绑匪当作耀龙绑走。绑匪得知真相后不甘失败,于是要求林盛发在36小时内准备一百万现金,过期撕票。林焦急万分,想尽一切办法筹集现金,甚至不惜卖肾赚钱。   时间一分一秒地流逝,儿子的性命危在旦夕……
