Plot Summary:Tara, a professional woman, artist, wife and mother, diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly referred to as MPD - Multiple Personality Disorder) stops taking her medication and struggles to unite her "alters" (alternate personalities.) As the seemingly disparate portions of her psyche seek to combine and peaceably co-exist, Tara, her husband, their kids, family and friends deal with the fallout, life and various morons who do not know their schizophrenia from their MPD.
塔拉(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)辛勤抚养膝下的一儿一女,他们分别是马歇尔(凯尔·吉克瑞斯特 Keir Gilchrist 饰)和凯特(布丽·拉尔森 Brie Larson 饰),在亲戚和朋友的眼中,塔拉无疑是一名非常称职的好母亲。爱丽丝的个性保守又念旧,她将自己的全部兴趣都放在烹饪上。布克脾气火爆性格大大咧咧,是个名副其实的“女汉子”。T仿佛是还没有长大的大女孩,向来离经叛道的她不将任何的规则放在眼里。 你们看错,以上四位个性可谓是截然不同的女性,她们是住在同一具躯体里的四种人格,而这些人格中的主人格当然是塔拉。于是,一个奇妙的场景出现了,上一秒,塔拉还是个贤惠的妻子,下一秒,她就已经跨上自己的机车绝尘而去。有这样一位人格分裂的母亲,塔拉的孩子和丈夫们每天都生活在惊喜和惊险之中。