追爱四字头A Four Letter Word(2007)

又名:浪仔爱上鸭 / 四字真言


主演:Jesse Archer 查理·大卫 Virginia Br 

导演:卡斯帕·安德瑞斯 编剧:Casper Andreas/Jesse Archer





Plot Summary:Six people in New York are adrift. Zeke and Luke work in a sex shop: Zeke takes gay liberation seriously, Luke likes to sparkle and takes nothing seriously. He's offended when Stephen calls him a gay cliché, then, surprisingly, they find each other attractive and interesting. Stephen, it turns out, has a great apartment, trust fund, and artwork he's painted on his walls. Meanwhile, Peter, a neat-freak, and Derek, nice to everyone, move in together. Peter's compulsiveness threatens the relationship. Last, newly-engaged Marilyn, a recovering alcoholic stuck at step 2, can't stop obsessing about wedding details. Can these folks sort out civilization and its discontents?
最浪漫的现代都会男男女女爱情,他爱他,她该不该爱她,一切都在最后有了答案... 故事由Luke展开,来到同志酒吧的他意外与帅气的Stephen邂逅,并带出他们周遭的朋友,这些好友们,有的爱情进行中,有的正为该不该勇敢跳脱性别认同而烦恼,最后Luke和Stephen是否能成为佳偶?这些男男女女的情欲关系又会变成什么局面?最致命的四字真言又是什么?   《Slutty Summer 淫乱的夏天》原班人马。
