
又名:In Mom's Head / 妈妈


主演:嘉莲·维雅 凯德·麦拉德 科洛·克莱沃 

导演:Carine Tardieu 编剧:Michel Leclerc/Carine Tardieu




Plot Summary:Lulu is 15 years old, living in an idealized French countryside with her parents. Her mother has been depressed and sickly as far back as she can remember, a state which is about to be challenged by a Lulu who slips slowly into young adulthood. The real trigger occurs when Lulu stumbles on an old picture of her mother, where she's radiant, and Lulu realizes something must have happened along the way. Her second thought, being the entrepreneurial type that she is, is it may also be the route to get her back. A two generational first-love tale unfolds with Lulu at the helm.
叛逆粗鲁的15岁少女露露(Chloé Coulloud 饰)和父母生活在法国幽静的乡村中,母亲茱莉叶特(Karin Viard 饰)体弱多病,在露露的记忆中,母亲从未展露快乐的一面,并且经常在夜晚独坐在长椅上,若有所思。   偶然机会,露露在地窖发现一张母亲年轻时的照片,相片中母亲裸露上身,笑容灿烂。不久露露从外婆家翻到了一卷录像带,年轻时的母亲和一个名叫雅克(Kad Merad 饰)的英俊兽医相爱,无忧无虑,天荒地老。知道了母亲闷闷不乐的缘由,露露决定安排二人重逢,她原指望如今老而丑的雅克能击碎母亲的幻想,却未想到反使这对老情人的爱火重燃……
