棕榈树丛종려나무 숲(2005)

又名:The Windmild Palm Grove


主演:金民钟 金有美 

导演:Sang-wook Yu 





Plot Summary:Kim In-Seo is an up-and-coming patent lawyer. He graduated from Yale University and was recently featured in Fortune Magazine. Kim In-Seo accepts an invitation to speak at a University and then takes a long bus ride to give the special lecture on patent law. A lady he met the day before, at an arranged matchmaking date, finds out that he will be riding the bus and decides to take the same bus. When they met at their matchmaking, Kim In-Seo's mother explained to the lady, that something quite profound happened to her son a few years ago, but she is not sure what happened. While taking the evening bus together, Kim In-Seo tells the story of that profound experience which involved a lady named Hwa Yeon, the palm grove trees and the unfulfilled promises.
在一场热闹的聚会中,华燕(金有美 饰)邂逅了名为仁锡(金民钟 饰)的男子。仁锡将酩酊大醉的华燕送回了家,就此认识了华燕的祖母望爱(赵银淑 饰)和母亲全顺。望爱热情的接待了仁锡,并且向仁锡讲述了她们曾经的故事。   多年前,望爱嫁给了名为尚望(金荣基 饰)的渔夫,没想到,尚望不仅有一个女儿,这个女孩的年龄还仅仅比望爱小两岁,这个女孩便是全顺。就这样,望爱和全顺之间产生了即是亲情又是友情的复杂关系,在尚望的粗鲁和暴力之下,两个女孩必须学会如何在夹缝中艰难生存。某天,尚望带着全顺离开了家,回来时却孤身一人,望爱不祥的预感成了真。
