发展受阻 第二季Arrested Development(2004)

主演:威尔·阿奈特 杰森·贝特曼 迈克尔·塞拉 阿莉雅·肖卡特  

导演:Steven Wishnoff 编剧:Steven Wishnoff

发展受阻 第二季:在线播放

发展受阻 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

发展受阻 第二季:最新字幕下载

发展受阻 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A camera crew from the TV Land awards comes to the Arrested Development Set in order to shoot the cast "in action" and collect a series of candid interviews. The crew wants to determine just where this new series fits into the long line of classic series' that TV Land holds in such high esteem. But once the cameras are rolling we discover that someone has called Will Arnett "Barney Fife", Jason Bateman thinks he's "Aunt Bee" and Michael Cera is "into" younger women on television (think "Full House'.) Throughout, the hardworking crew is doing their jobs and eating tray after tray of fresh out of the oven cookies. And out in the trailers there is a strange smell coming from Will Arnett's trailer. What did Jason Bateman do in there?
