
又名:La robe de mariée des cieux / Heaven's Wedding Gown

主演:王心凌 明道 立威廉 刘序浩 邱品睿 陈尊文 蔡立群 祝钒刚 

导演:沈怡 冯凯 麦贯之 编剧:罗彩娟 Tsai Juan Lo



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【480p标清中文字幕】天国的嫁衣迅雷下载.2004.6.63gb.torrent
2019-05-11 天国的 嫁衣
2019-05-11 天国的嫁衣
2019-05-11 天国的嫁衣



Plot Summary:It was with much difficulty that Ai-Ching (Cyndi Wang) was able to save enough money and arrive in her dream place, Paris. As a result, she was extremely happy about this. At the same time, Tzu-Hao (Leon Jay Williams) is also in Paris receiving an international fashion award, the grand prize. They both got into a big argument at a small artistic shop over a small wooden horse that they both fell in love with. In the end, with the owner's consent, Ai-Ching is able to obtain the wooden horse.
陶艾青(王心凌 饰)是一个天真率性的女孩,从小和爷爷生活在陶家庄里,这是爷爷和已去世的奶奶在年轻时一起建造的小农庄,艾青将之视为珍宝。一次在巴黎的旅行过程中,陶艾青看中了一座小木马,碰巧另一个客人服装设计师陆子皓(立威廉 饰)也对这只小木马爱不释手,两人争执一番后,还是艾青买走了小木马。本来两人以为彼此再无交集,可是刚回到陶家庄的陶艾青竟然发现自己心爱的陶家庄竟然被哥哥秘密出售,而买主就是陆子皓。令艾青心烦不已的不止有一个陆子皓,还有一个整天缠着自己的程海诺(明道 饰),三个人的关系错综复杂最后演变成一段三角恋情……陶艾青会如何抉择?
