

主演:渡部笃郎 水野美纪 菅野美穗 及川光博 山田孝之 

导演:片山修 编剧:遊川和彦





Plot Summary:Koi ga Shitai x3 is a character driven story that examines the relationships and bonds that six random people thrown together at one moment share with one another, and how that bond develops over the course of the series. The seven main characters are named after the colors of the rainbow to correspond with the theme song, "Rainbow Connection" by the Carpenters. First, there is Akai Ryosuke (Red, Watabe Atsuro), a high school teacher that is having relationship problems with his fiancee a few days before the wedding; Second, there is Hada Ai (Indigo, Mizuno Miki), a woman who feels like she's drifting aimlessly through the world, latching on to different men so she feels less lonely; Third, there is Nagashima Mikan (Orange, Kanno Miho), a socially awkward hotel worker searching for love; Fourth, there is Shimura Ichiro (Purple, Oikawa Mitsuhiro), an author playboy that holds a secret that prevents him from getting close to others; Fifth, there is Midorikawa Bunpei (Green, Tokoro ...
一场意外中,羽田蓝(水野美纪 饰)结识了大学教师赤井凉介(渡部笃郎 饰)。凉介有一个即将携手步入婚礼殿堂的未婚妻,然而,在婚礼前夕,未婚妻却选择了离开。伤心的凉介把想要送给未婚妻的一双红色凉鞋转赠给了刚好碰见的女子永岛蜜柑(菅野美穗 饰),巧合的是,那一天刚好是蜜柑的生日,就这样,蜜柑坠入了情网。   蓝和男友分手了,之后,她和同样失恋的凉介走到了一起。凉介得知绿川文平(所乔治 饰)一直喜欢着蜜柑,于是想要撮合两人,开始文平明白,蜜柑真正想要得到的人只有凉介。高中生青岛涉(山田孝之 饰)和家庭主妇黄田织江(冈江久美子 饰)通过电话交友的方式相识了,趣味相投的两人很快就成为了朋友。
