
又名:May Jane


主演:金素梅 狄龙 许效舜 

导演:刘家昌 编剧:刘家昌 Chia Chang Liu





Plot Summary:May Jane, an uneducated but courageous country girl, escapes her destroyed farming village. She tries to lead a large band of orphans through the absurdity and violence of civil war (between Mao and Chiang Kai-Shek's KMT) to a ship that will bring them to safety from China in the 1940's. Extremely sentimental, brilliant, subtly rebellious cinema by the Taiwan/Hong Kong Director, who also wrote the exquisite music and intimately epic plot. Despite a number of terrific performances (including the gorgeous star, made-up to look ordinary) and sophisticated stunning cinematography, the film was unjustly dismissed by Taiwan critics, many of whom apparently harbored old antagonisms toward the director, as well as by both Hollywood-influenced young and patriotic old audiences (ending the composer/director's long successful career). This highly personal, uniquely old-fashioned and visionary film has many long sequences of superb artistry and sustained master filmmaking skill.
四○年代,中国正处于国共相争的内战动盪局面,故事是关于一位生长于农村家庭的女人梅珍(金素梅饰)。梅珍的丈夫被迫在共产党内服役,而父亲死后,她寄居于一处由外国领事资助的教堂中,过着难民般的刻苦生活。 在战乱中,领事决定撤走妇嬬,梅珍几经艰辛,得到一纸避难的船票,但却因为她没有身份証明文件而处处受到阻难,梅珍的未来,就像晦暗不明的天候一样,还有多少的考验在等待着她? 本片由刘家昌导演,狄龙、金素梅主演,荣获美国圣地牙哥影展最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳女主角、最佳男配角、最佳音乐、最佳主题曲等多项大奖,是一部经典动人之作。
