Plot Summary:Sai Mingjun and her boyfriend Zuo Sicheng fell in love for many years, let the thought that two people will eventually help to match the Sai did not think of, Zuo unexpectedly in his stomach with his flesh and blood after cruel abandoned her. Under the persuasion of friends, Sai decided to innocent children gave birth to the womb. In order to children's health was raised, Sai had to work hard, with the passage of time, she got the place gradually in the workplace. As everything is better, the coincidence actually make Zuo of Sai's boss, by the authority of, Zuo unceremoniously in working on Sai, want to force her to resign. At this moment, the heir to the chairman of optimum Xie Siwen appears was in before Sai, he not only helped Sai, a strong but can't help falling in love with the kind of woman.