Plot Summary:On their son Odell's 13the birthday, graphic artist Tom Warszaw finally confesses to his wife why he fled Greenwich Village, NYC at that age to Paris. As a schoolboy, naturally sensitive, considerate Tommy was best buddy with 'adult' half-wit Pappass, father Duncan's Catholic school's assistant janitor. Smothered by his dependent mother, a dumb orderly, Tommy got 'parental advice' from a women's prison inmate. Together with Pappas, he saves up tips from their butchery delivery rounds. One night, Pappas steals the bike they were saving for. Tommy tries to take the blame, but ends up expelled as if the instigator. Even more tragic consequences follow.
父亲的突然去世让汤米(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰)一家人陷入了混乱,家庭无人照料一片狼藉,母亲终日哭泣郁郁寡欢,就在这样一种糟糕的情况下,汤米迎来了自己躁动又不安的青春,无处发泄的他只能通过调皮捣蛋来纾解心中的积怨。辍学后的汤米在一家熟食店打工,负责送货。 汤米和朋友帕鲁帕斯(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)成天厮混在一起,帕鲁帕斯是一个外表成熟但心智幼稚的“大龄儿童”,两人之间的感情真挚又深厚。一次意外中,汤米结识了妓女蕾蒂(Erykah Badu 饰),后者带领他进入了成年人的世界,享受了爱情的甜蜜与苦涩。一场意外的发生摧毁了汤米自由的生活,它不仅终结了汤米的现在,也波及到了他的未来。