没有你 没有我(2000)

又名:Eternal Love


主演:方中信 蒙嘉慧 张瑞哲 李婷宜 罗兰 汉洋 罗利期 黄志宏  

导演:罗惠德 编剧:舒小獨

没有你 没有我:在线播放

没有你 没有我:最新迅雷BT资源

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没有你 没有我:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Music producer Alex Lam is a has-been whose girlfriend Shirley makes the right career move by dumping him to concentrate on her own professional life. He heads to the nearest bar and ends up having a one night stand with waitress Ivy Wong after too much to drink. When he tries to meet her again, she mistakes him for a rapist and fights him off. He discovers that Ivy has a daytime job as a kindergarten teacher and dreams up a career for her as a singer. He takes her to the studio for sound tests which show promise after a lot of training and they move in together. But as her career takes off, Ivy and Alex go separate ways...
艾利克斯(方中信 饰)曾是业内非常有名的音乐创作人,他所做的曲子可谓是千金难求。然而,艾利克斯并不想一味的去写那些讨好听众讨好市场的歌,而是希望能够将自己的抱负寄托在音乐之中,久而久之,他的订单越来越少,最终再也无人问津。   落魄和失意之中,艾利克斯只能依靠酒精来麻痹内心,在酒吧,他邂逅了名为艾薇(蒙嘉慧 饰)的酒吧招待,艾薇拥有一副动人的好嗓子,艾利克斯发现了她的天赋,决定帮她一把。在艾利克斯的推荐之下,艾薇进入了唱片公司,没想到竟然一炮而红一跃成为了当红歌手,但与此同时,她和艾利克斯之间的距离却变得越来越远。
