
又名:Family Ties

主演:宋丹丹 傅彪 王汝刚 肖博 曹蕾 

导演:阿甘 编剧:阿甘



日期 资源名称
2020-12-30 【720p高清中文字幕】考试一家亲迅雷下载.2001.1.46gb.torrent
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [CRU_7人组_唯爱IN_IN吧_NWHCN]家族的诞生.E11.120121.1024X576.



Plot Summary:Three members of a Shanghai family, father, mother, and son, encounter different problems in their lives, but all related to some kind of examination. Lu Min is soon facing high school entrance exam. But he will almost throw up whenever he sees mathematical symbols and numbers. Lu's father Dayi, recently laid off, wants to pass a driving test in order to become a taxi driver. But when the examiner poses the question, he comes up with a wrong answer. Lu's mother Fangfang is obsessed with all kinds of intelligence test, regarding them as a way to become rich. Everyday, she is busy with newspaper clipping, information collecting, and TV watching.
故事发生在当代的上海。陆敏(肖博 饰)是一名面临高考的高中生,由于没有显赫的家庭背景,能否考取重点大学,将来找份好的工作,成了他当前心中的最大负担。他妈妈芳芳(宋丹丹 饰)是典型的上海家庭妇女,过日子精打细算,毎天热衷于参加电视台各种有奖知识竞赛,家里大到冰箱洗衣机,小到肥皂洗衣粉,都是她参加这些活动搬回家的。陆敏的爸爸大义(傅彪 饰)下岗后频频参加各种再就业培训,但毎逢面试准砸锅,好不容易找到一份陪酒员工作,也因不胜酒力被送进医院。就这样,一家三口奔波在各自的考场上,面对生活的种种困忧,他们象大多数家庭一样,别无选择......
