
又名:青春岁月 / 青春 / First Love Again

主演:张东健 金贤珠 黄秀贞 

导演:Yoon-suk Choi 





Plot Summary:Life and love for young people living in the 90's with their dreams heading towards the millennium. Yet their dreams are not lofty aspirations but realizable ordinary ones that each of us embrace in our hearts. The main character Hyun-Woo, a boyish and outgoing young man is a computer mechanic who is diligent at work and loves to do all kinds of sports. Deep in his heart he has never forgotten his first love, Chae-Hee who is now engaged to his high-school senior. Thus, he never quite pays attention to the cute Won-Young working in the same office. Won-Young promises herself not give up her dreams - love for Hyun-Woo and her ambition to eventually become an announcer on TV. In times of loneliness and anger she climbs up to the rooftop of her office building and shouts on the top of her voice. This is a drama viewing young people's lifestyle, goals in life and their innocence and purity in love.
一个寒冷的冬夜,姜贤宇(张东健饰)出于好心,将一个醉卧在街头的年轻女子车元瑛(金贤珠饰)带回家。第二天才知道她是他新应聘的电脑公司的同事。这个开朗而又喜欢作怪、一心想当新闻主播的新女性对贤宇萌生爱意,并大胆地向贤宇表白了她的感情。几经挫折,姜贤宇终于接受了她。   谁料不久姜贤宇在街上巧遇从美国回来的初恋情人申彩姬(黄秀珍饰),旧情难忘的姜贤宇希望能与彩姬再续前缘,而彩姬正与姜贤宇的高中学长相敏(韩石圭饰)筹办婚礼……一个是初恋情人,一个是新近恋人,一个却是自己敬重的学长,爱情与友情、新欢与旧爱纠缠一团,取舍两难的姜贤宇犹豫不决,陷入痛苦煎熬之中。而正当彩姬决定取消婚约与贤宇重新开始时,贤宇却又意外得知元瑛已患上了白血病……
