十兵卫I - 心型眼带的秘密十兵衛ちゃん -ラブリー眼帯の秘密-(1999)

又名:Jubei-chan: Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch

主演:小西宽子 藤原启治 置鲇龙太郎 中崎达也 上田祐司 西村千奈 

导演:大地丙太郎 樱井弘明 长滨博史 村田雅彦 大桥誉志光 长滨亘彦 和田高明 宫崎渚 福本洁 高田淳 编剧:大地丙太郎 Akitarô Daichi

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十兵卫I - 心型眼带的秘密:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:300 years ago, legendary swordsman Yagyu Jubei led his clan of samurai triumphantly against the villainous Ryujoji clan. On his deathbed, Yagyu transfers his abilities into a heart-shaped eyepatch which he instructs his attendant, Koinosuke, to bestow upon a worthy successor. In the present day, Koinosuke (whose aging has been all but stopped) finds this successor in perky schoolgirl Nanohana Jiyu, who her father, coincidentally, has nicknamed "Jubei." Unfortunately for Koinosuke, Jiyu doesn't want to embody the spirit of Yagyu Jubei. The descendants of the Ryujoji still bear a grudge against the Yagyu, so Jiyu reluctantly accepts the eyepatch to become Yagyu Jubei and put an end to the centuries-old feud.
菜乃花自由(小西宽子 配音)自幼丧母,由父亲抚养长大。随着时间的流逝,对母亲之死一直无法释怀的自由慢慢的对忙于工作的父亲产生了怨怼。这一天,自由像往常一样走在上学的路上,一个武士打扮的怪异男子拦住了她的去路。怪人自称小田豪鲤之助(置鮎龙太郎 配音),目的是将一个可疑的眼罩送给自由。在半推半就下,自由收下了眼罩,却没想到这一举动,改写了她今后的人生轨迹。   原来眼罩为一代剑豪柳生十兵卫所有,而带上眼罩后的自由,居然变身成为了她的继承人。就这样,面对着不断出现的敌人,自由走上了一条争斗与斩杀的道路。而在修炼剑术的同时,自由也逐渐的理解了父亲对于自己和家庭所付出的辛劳。
