Plot Summary:Once upon a time in the village of Kromer lived two beautiful young wolves. Cocksure Gabriel takes newcomer Seth under his paw and helps reconcile him to the vilification associated with being a wolf. They fall head-over-heels in puppy love, playing together around picturesque waterfalls, secluded woodlands, and moonlit lakes. One day a wicked old crone and her goofy sidekick kill their mistress, frame the wolves, and incite a torch-bearing mob of religious zealots to seek vengeance on the hapless pair. But who will live happily ever after?
半人半狼的青年赛斯(李·威廉姆斯 Lee Williams 饰)因为自己特殊的身份一直过着形单影只的生活。一次偶然中,他来到了名为克罗尔的村庄,在那里,赛斯邂逅了和自己一样的人狼盖博思,惺惺相惜的两人很快就坠入了情网。 然而,盖博思曾经有过一段混乱而又荒唐的过去,无法接受这一事实的赛斯选择了离开自己深爱的盖博思,和一个女孩发生了关系。不仅如此,心中依然对盖博思留存有感情的赛斯还将此事告诉了盖博思,盖博思只能将悲伤和痛苦深深隐藏在心底。最终,赛斯还是无法忘记盖博思,当他想要再度回到他的身边时,却发现盖博思早已经死在了牧师的枪下。