Plot Summary:Two bored animated cutouts sit at a table. One is enthusiastic, suggesting things to do: check the TV, see if something's on the radio (five versions of La Cucaracha), play chess. Nothing works to relieve the boredom, including a ring of the door bell. So the enthusiastic one suggests shadow puppets, except that he's not very good, and worse, when his morose partner proves to be a brilliant puppeteer, the bubbly character hasn't a clue to what he's seeing. An argument ensues, ended by the sound of the door bell again. Who could it be?
两个苏格兰男人无聊呆在家中,无所事事,电视和电台提不起他们任何兴趣。烦心之际,一条不知趣的小狗还来找麻烦。最终,他们想出了猜手影的游戏…… 本片荣获1998年芝加哥国际儿童电影节儿童评委会大奖、2000年Cinequest San Jose电影节最佳动画片奖、1999年德国德累斯顿电影节青年评委会大奖荣誉提及和最佳动画片第三名、1998年爱丁堡国际电影节最佳英国动画片奖、1999年美国纽波特国际电影节特别动画奖、1999年Ourense独立电影节最佳动画短片奖、1999年墨西哥瓦雅多丽国际电影节银蜘蛛最佳短片奖。