执法悍将 第二季JAG(1997)

又名:Judge Advocate General / J.A.G.

主演:大卫·詹姆斯·艾略特 凯瑟琳·贝尔 帕特里克·莱比奥托 约翰 


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执法悍将 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:During a transfer of the Declaration of Independence for a high-tech reconstruction, a group of apparent Marines in an apparent Marine helo hijack the document. The PotUS awards Harm a Distinguished Flying Cross for his accomplishments during a previous story. Maj. Sarah MacKenzie, USMC, joins the JAG gang as Harm's partner; Ltjg. Bud Roberts also joins; the three of them investigate. Special agent Clayton Webb takes part in the search. Sarah has a connection to the leader of the thieves, who disguise as Marines and use Marine tactics and Marine equipment. Harm and Sarah find the leader, make a deal, and return the Declaration, and they defend him in court.
