

上映日期:1994-08(洛迦诺电影节) / 1994-09-11(多伦多电影节)片长:98分钟

主演:艾丽娅 刘佩琦 戈治均 张海燕 

导演:周晓文 编剧:徐宝琦 Baoqi Xu/郎云 Yun Lang



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Ermo.二嫫.(Èrmó).1994.cmn.DVDRip.x264



Plot Summary:Women's roles and consumerism in a Chinese village. The independent Ermo supports her son and disabled husband, rising early to make noodles she sells as a street vendor. A snooty neighbor has a TV, so Ermo wants a huge one. The neighbor's husband, Blindman, offers her transport to sell baskets she's made. After he gets her a city job making restaurant noodles and more money, their relationship becomes an affair. She's also selling her blood. When she discovers Blindman is subsidizing her pay, she throws the money at him and quits the job; he covers their affair and her reputation by getting beaten up over a woman in the city. When she has enough for the TV, she's exhausted.
二嫫(艾丽娅 饰)靠卖麻花面维持生计,丈夫(戈治均 饰)是昔日的老村长,后来落下了病根做不了重活,家中重担全落在二嫫身上。隔壁的“瞎子”(刘佩琦 饰)家有电视和一辆破卡车,在村里算是不错的人家。二嫫的儿子虎子经常跑到“瞎子”家蹭电视看,自尊心颇强的二嫫暗下决心要买台全县最大的电视回家。“瞎子”对二嫫有意思,为她在县城介绍了一份工作并定时接她回村,后来两人在车上发生了关系。村里人对二嫫和瞎子指指点点,“瞎子”老婆(张海燕 饰)和二嫫在家门口打了一架。二嫫去县城卖血,最后终于买回了大电视......   本片根据徐宝琦的同名小说改编而成,获瑞士第47届罗卡诺国际电影节青年评审团金奖、国际影评人奖、评审团大奖。
