
又名:科学小飞侠 / 神勇飞鹰队

主演:森功至 佐佐木功 杉山佳寿子 盐屋翼 兼本新吾 大平透 吉泽 

导演:鸟海永行 大村节夫 西牧秀雄 山田胜久 黑川文男 案纳正美 棚桥一德 笹川博 编剧:吉田龙夫 Tatsuo Yoshida/鳥海尽三 Jinzô Toriumi/鸟海永行 Hisayuki Toriumi/久保田圭司 Keiji Kubota/小山高生 Takao Koyama/陶山智 Satoshi Suyama/柳川茂 Shigeru Yanagawa/梅谷卓司/长田纪生 Norio Osada/松浦健郎 Takeo Matsuura/曾田博久 Hirohisa Soda/酒井昭义 Akiyoshi Sakai/落合茂一/德增正彦/松下干夫 Mikio Matsushita/阵野修 Osamu Jinno





Plot Summary:In the year 2001, Earth is under attack by a terrorist organization named Galactor, which is waging a destructive campaign of conquest and terror using super-high technology in the form of bizarre and supremely powerful war machines and biological weapons. The United Nations's forces are helpless to stop this menace, but Professor Nambu of the International Science Organization has a counterforce of his own: the Science Ninja Team, a team of super-agile youngsters who operate with a bird theme and have fighting skills that are a match for any foe, regardless of numbers or firepower. The team is made up of Ken (Eagle), aka Gatchaman, their noble leader with an incomplete past; his hotheaded second-in-command Jô (Condor), their level-headed electronics and demolitions expert; Jun (Swan), their young and impulsive reconnaissance specialist; Jinpei (Swallow), Jun's adopted brother and eighth-generation decedent of the Iga ninja; and their jovial and rotund pilot, Ryû (Owl) are determined to frustrate Galactor at every turn. They have advanced personal vehicles that are carried inside their main vehicle, the God Phoenix, an advanced, supersonic, and heavily armed aircraft that can go into any environment and can temporarily transform into a destructive bird of fire to escape danger. However, the fight won't be any easier because Galactor's leaders, who are the mysterious entity known only as Sôsai X, and his immediate human subordinate, Berugu Katse, have even darker secrets that our heroes can only suspect.
紧身衣诱惑五人组大战外星纯真妖物九九八十一回合。   那个时代是‘龙之子’的天下,时间飞船、天空战记以及大名鼎鼎的科学忍者队,各自完成了老中青父子兵三代人的洗脑工作,完美收场。
