
又名:Chôjikû yôsai Macross

主演:长谷有洋 饭岛真理 土井美加 铃置洋孝 目黑光祐 凤芳野  

导演:石黒昇 编剧:松崎健一/石黑升 Noboru Ishiguro/大野木宽 Hiroshi Ônogi


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [异域-11番小队][超時空要塞マクロス系列 The Super Dimension Fortres



Plot Summary:In the middle of World War III in 1999, an alien ship crashes on deserted Macross island. In response to this event, a cease fire is declared as the ship reveals evidence of a potential extraterrestrial threat that could come to retrieve it. In response, the nations of the world unite to create the United Nations Space Navy (UN Spacy). In ten years, the ship is rebuilt as Super Dimensional Fortress One (SDF-1) and its technology is adopted for use. On the day of its formal launch, the Zentradi arrive determined to retrieve the ship intact. As Earth defends itself, we also see the personal lives of the ship's crew and residents as the war profoundly changes them. Meanwhile, the Zentradi learn that their enemy bears an uncomfortable resemble to their creators, the Protoculture, a fact which threatens to take this war down paths that no one can anticipate.
