
又名:Herdensagen Vom Kosmosinsel

主演:堀川亮 富山敬 小林清志 佐佐木望 井上和彦 盐泽兼人 天野 

导演:石黑升 编剧:田中芳树 Yoshiki Tanaka/首藤刚志 Takeshi Shudo/河中志摩夫



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [异域-11番小队][银河英雄传说 Legend of the Galactic Heroes][B



Plot Summary:A classic SpaceOpera, where 2 major empires fight between them with their own beliefs and ideals. In the imperial side "Reinhard Von Lohengram" a military genius and somehow different to make the change on the core of the corrupt noble elite on the other side in the free Planets coalition is Wen-Li, who joined the military to be an historian, this makes him a well known tactician men with an variety of knowledge in past military tactics, very driven and heroic person which makes his own rights to come to an end, essentially fighting against an corrupted democracy of his country government. The clash of the two main chars is addicted and somehow engaging seeing how two different hero's with different ideals, "power vs will", comes always to the same goal the best for their people.
故事发生在遥远未来的浩瀚宇宙中,银河帝国与从帝国中分裂开来的自由行星同盟是存在于其中的两大势力,他们相互为敌,之间不断发生着残酷的战争。联结着帝国和同盟的,是两条著名的回廊——“费杀回廊”和“伊谢尔伦回廊”,而在费沙回廊中,存在这一个特殊的国家——“费沙自治领”,这个看似弱小的国家以它的方式在动荡的局势中独善其身,成为了不可小觑的又一股势力。   长久以来,在三股势力之间维持着微妙的平衡,而帝国的莱因哈特·冯·罗严克拉姆(堀川亮 配音)与同盟的杨威利(富山敬 配音)的出现预示着平衡的终结,历史的车轮就此开始转动。
