
又名:两个天堂之还珠格格 / 还珠姬(日) / Princess Pearl / My Fair Princess

主演:苏有朋 林心如 周杰 陈志朋 范冰冰 张铁林 戴春荣 李明启 

导演:孙树培 编剧:琼瑶 Yao Qiong



Plot Summary:This was the series that brought Vicki Zhao to fame all around Asia. Starring as the cheerful, energetic and adorable Xiao Yan Zi, Vicki managed to capture the audience's heart with her portrayal! Generally, the series is about a street girl, Xiao Yan Zi, who in a mix-up ends up as a Princess (officially titled Huan Zhu Ge Ge) instead of her sworn sister (played by Ruby Lin). The adventures continue as Xiao Yan Zi tries to adjust to palace life, falls in love with the fifth prince (played by Alec Su), makes enemies with the Empress, and all the while trying to give her sworn sister back the title of Princess.
紫薇(林心如)偕丫环金锁(范冰冰)带着乾隆(张铁林)留给母亲的信物,从江南来到京城想与乾隆相认,发现进宫面圣根本无门,走投无路之际,她们遇上女飞贼小燕子,与之结为好友,不想因机缘巧合,本热心为紫薇帮忙的小燕子被乾隆错认为是自己女儿。   为庆贺重获爱女,乾隆举行祭天 酬神仪式,仪仗队伍行经市街时被紫薇、金锁看到,紫薇太过激动昏倒在地,被大学士福伦之子福尔康(周杰)所救,得知紫薇身世后,福家人将其收留,其后,紫薇在福尔康的安排下终又与小燕子见面,众人开始为紫薇与乾隆相认一事作种种安排,而在这一过程中,紫薇与福尔康,小燕子与五阿哥永琪(苏有朋)也开始了爱情之旅。
