
主演:泷泽秀明 池胁千鹤 冈田义德 松本莉绪 高冈苍佑 忍成修吾  

导演:土井裕泰 吉田健 编剧:渡边睦月 Mutsuki Watanabe/冈本贵也





Plot Summary:Tatsuya, a tormented college student who was once an all-around nice guy but now seems to be balancing a gigantic grudge on his shoulder. For some reason, he has taken to hanging around with the richest kid in school, basically a trusting, nice guy who Tatsuya is out to destroy. He feels an uncontrollable urge to deface the rich kid's new car and chase after his fiance. Complicating the plot further is Tatsuya's run-in with a young composer and pianist, who has a limp sustained in a car accident many years before. She, too, is rich, although Tatsuya does not know it yet. Stuck in a stifling home environment with her pianist mother who disdains her desire to compose, the obedient young woman begins to change after a chance meeting with Tatsuya, while he seems to regain some of his humanity in his interaction with her.
童年时代的悲惨经历让津川龙哉(泷泽秀明 饰)小小年纪便懂得了人情冷暖世态炎凉,成年后,经过不懈的努力,津川拿着全额奖学金考取了私立庆德大学。在学校中,他隐瞒了自己的真实身世,混迹于佐原慎二(高冈苍佑 饰)、宫山由纪(松本莉绪 饰)和小田切吉彦(新井浩文 饰)等一干富家子弟之间,然而,在他的内心里,愤怒和仇恨的火焰从来都不曾熄灭过。   一次偶然中,津川邂逅了名叫英子(池胁千鹤 饰),英子虽然身患残疾,但对生活充满了感激和热情,随着时间的推移,英子的快乐渐渐感化了津川,慢慢解开了他郁结已久的心结。可是,当津川将自己的一切如实相告于慎二之时,换来的并非谅解,却是疯狂的报复和鄙视。
