
主演:置鲇龙太郎 藤田淑子 笠原留美 富永美伊奈 田中一成 浦和惠 

导演:贝泽幸男 山内重保 中村哲治 角铜博之 芝田浩树 山田彻 石崎进 志水淳儿 编剧:富田祐弘 Sukehiro Tomita/小山高生 Takao Koyama/菅良幸 Yoshiyuki Suga/小林靖子 Yasuko Kobayashi





Plot Summary:Nueno Meisuke, known to his students as "Nube" is a teacher/exorcist who finds that his new school is home to a huge variety of supernatural disturbances. Nube has a demon he trapped in his hand from a battle when he was younger. This demon hand allows him to communicate with ghosts and spirits and dispatch them if necessary. However, there are risks, as Nube must balance using the power of the demon but not being consumed by it. Some of these "yokai" (spirits, demons, etc., many of which are taken from Japanese folklore or urban legend) are drawn to the school by him, as he has crossed paths with many spirits and demons in his career as an exorcist. Among them is Yukime, a snow/cold spirit who has an unrequited love for Nube, which leads to many comedic and touching moments. This show has many comedic elements, as the students and staff of the school are a quite a bunch of varied characters, and Nube himself is sort of a good-natured, clownish klutz when not fighting demons and so forth, and his interactions provide many humorous moments. He is something of a lecher towards his co-worker Ruriko, who is afraid of all things supernatural. This leads to many classic comedic slapstick situations or misunderstandings. However, the show is equally, if not more so, horror-related, as many demons, ghosts, spirits, etc. cross paths with Nube, the staff, and children, some friendly, well-meaning, or otherwise harmless, but many malicious and evil; Nube must dispatch these threats to himself, his students, and others.
就职于童守町小学的鵺野鸣介(置鲇龙太郎 音)虽然外表平平,实际却有着非同寻常的经历。他在小学时曾被魔物侵染,其具有灵力的女老师牺牲自己将魔物封印在鸣介的左手之中,成为名副其实的“鬼手”。鬼手如同除灵师的凭神一样,既可与灵体沟通,又能完成各种离奇的除灵工作。   童守町历来就流传着许多灵异传闻,起初不被学生信任的鸣介在一次次除灵工作之后和学生们建立起深厚的感情。在这一过程中,他也结识许多来自不同世界的伙伴:温柔可爱的雪女(白鸟由里 音)、冷酷无情的妖狐玉藻(森川智之 音)等,都给鸣介和学生们的生活中留下无限惊险和刺激……   本片根据同名漫画改编。
