
又名:Suzuki Sensei

主演:长谷川博己 臼田麻美 山口智充 田畑智子 绪方义博 富田靖子 

导演:河合勇人 橋本光二郎 滝本憲吾 编剧:古沢良太/岩下悠子/武富健治(原作)



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 스즈키 선생님(鈴木先生) [2011] 10부작 [704x396 Xvid-PDDC]


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 铃木老师 TV版


Plot Summary:Akira Suzuki is the home room teacher for 2-A. After graduating from college Akira did not work for 3 years. Instead, he spent his time thinking about ways to solve problems once he works as a teacher. Because of this, Akira has a knack to solve problems and the principle trusts him. Mr. Suzuki always listens to his students' problems and gives them creative solutions. Due to this, Mr. Suzuki is popular among the students. Meanwhile, Akira dates Asami who works at a travel agency. They met through a blind date. Akira often talks to Asami about troubles that occur at school.
在绯樱山中学二年A班担任班主任兼国语教师的铃木章(长谷川博己 饰)是一个颇有些自我个性的男人。大学毕业后他有相当长的一段时间思考探索与学生相处的方法,并成功运用到实际教学中,因此深得校长信赖。在班级里他注重培养学生独立思考的能力,纵使面对一群平庸的学生,也能让班级呈现出理想的一面。生活中铃木老师秦麻美(臼田麻美 饰)正在交往,但是他发现自己正不知不觉被班内的优秀学生小川苏美(土屋太凤 饰)所吸引。铃木老师一面压抑着心中的罪恶念头,一面努力引导学生们处理各种各样的突发状况,他能否继续坚持自己的理念呢?   本片根据武富健治的同名漫画改编,并荣获日本民间放送联盟奖电视剧综艺部门最优秀奖。
