嫁给百万富翁백만장자와 결혼하기(2005)

又名:To Marry A Millionaire / 和百万富翁结婚的事

主演:高修 金贤珠 尹相铉 孙泰英 徐俊英 金起范 李惠珍 韩尚津 

导演:姜新孝 李明宇 编剧:金丽英





Plot Summary:Eun-young helps her step sister in various dealings, also helps quell her step mother's angry mind. She cannot stand injustice and always says what is on her mind. However she's also very shy. She gets tense when someone whom she secretly admired and looked up to during college turned into a broadcast PD. One day, a very absurd thing happens to her. She was apparently \"a millionaire's first love' and she gets a proposal to be cast on a TV show called \"Marrying a Millionaire\" She refuses in the beginning as she cannot believe what is happening to her. However, because of her step sister's scheme, she eventually leaves for France. However, the Millionaire that she meets was her middle school schoolmate, Kim Young-Hun, known for being notoriously dumb in her class. She once liked Young-Hun, however, as he fails in his first test and he's placed last in class, she loses interest in him. However, as time passes, she begins to change her mind. The program continues and she starts to like him. However, she is disappointed with the fact that the whole thing is for prize money. Then when Yu Jin-ha approaches her, she begins to.
金永勋(高洙 饰)是个英俊帅气善良乐观的穷小子,一次偶然中,他被电视台节目组相中,伪装成为一名百万富翁参加相亲节目,只为了探究真爱是否能够战胜金钱。悲惨的童年生活让韩恩英(金贤珠 饰)对金钱和有保障的生活有着狂热的执着和向往,当她被邀请去参加电视台举办的同百万富翁相亲的节目时,韩恩英觉得这是她摆脱贫穷生活的唯一机会。   让韩恩英没有想到的是,出现在她面前的百万富翁竟然是自己曾经的同学金永勋,随着时间的推移,两人之间渐渐产生了真挚的感情,然而此时,韩恩英才知道,金永勋根本就不是什么百万富翁。与此同时,一位名叫柳真河(尹尚贤 饰)的富二代出现在了韩恩英的身边,面对金钱和感情,她会做出怎样的选择?
